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January 2025 Newsletter [click here]
Self-Nomination Form [click here]

The Platte River Ranch single family home (SFH) neighborhood is a covenant-controlled community located in Brighton, Colorado. The neighborhood is comprised of 479 single family homes situated on both sides of West Bromley Lane between the cross streets of Mockingbird Street and East 148th Avenue. The homes were built by between May 1999 and November 2001.

The neighborhood was built in three phases (as marked by the monument signs along Bromley Lane) -- Shoreline, Eagleview and Lakefront -- with each phase providing new floor plans and interior and exterior home construction design.

Approximately half of the neighborhood's boundaries border a lake, open spaces and City parks (i.e. Ken Mitchell Park, boardwalk and fishing pier) and the other half of the neighborhood borders unincorporated Adams County land (primarily residential lots and a farm field). In addition, the neighborhood is situated less than a quarter mile from the 85 highway (with downtown Denver and the airport about a 30-minute drive away). One unique fact about Platte River Ranch is that the open spaces allow the residents to live up close with a variety of Colorado wildlife including pelicans, swans, snapping turtles, raccoons, geckos and a few bald eagles (our national bird)!

The Metro District

The Platte River Ranch South Metropolitan District (the District) is a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado. The District's boundaries wholly encompass the 479 single family homes in the Platte River Ranch subdivisions (filings #2, #3 and #5) and the District's board of directors are elected solely by Colorado registered voters living and/or owning property within the Platte River Ranch neighborhood. Beginning in 2017, the District began performing all functions previously provided by the Association including (1) maintaining the open spaces and recreational facilities within the neighborhood, (2) monitoring and enforcing the Platte River Ranch restrictive covenants and maintenance standards applicable to every lot and (3) providing architectural review services in accordance with the neighborhood's restrictive covenants and architectural guidelines.

Metro District Meeting Schedule
February 13, 2025 (Thursday) Regular board meeting [Agenda]
March 13, 2025 (Thursday) Regular board meeting [Agenda]
April 10, 2025 (Thursday) Regular board meeting [Agenda]
May 08, 2025 (Thursday) Regular board meeting [Agenda]
June 12, 2025 (Thursday) Regular board meeting [Agenda]
July 10, 2025 (Thursday) Regular board meeting [Agenda]
August 14, 2025 (Thursday) Regular board meeting [Agenda]
Sept. 11, 2025 (Thursday) Regular board meeting [Agenda]
October 09, 2025 (Thursday) Regular board meeting [Agenda]
2026 Budget Hearing
October 09, 2025 (Thursday) Annual Townhall Meeting [Agenda]**
November 13, 2025 (Thursday) Regular board meeting [Agenda]
All board meetings - regular and special - are open to all residents, start at 6:00pm and are held at the Harvest Fellowship Church at 11401 E. 160th Ave Brighton, CO 80601.

** - Meeting will occur at 8:00pm or immediately after the regular board meeting concludes, whichever is earlier

Neighborhood Rules & Restrictions
The Platte River Ranch neighborhood is a covenant-controlled community. The rules and restrictions are embodied in three documents - the Declaration, the Architectural Guidelines and the Covenant Enforcement Policy.

The Declaration
The Declaration contains the basic covenants and restrictions for the Platte River Ranch single family home neighborhood. Article 4 of the Declaration assigns powers to the Architectural Committee to establish guidelines, standards, rules, regulations and procedures for the neighborhood. Article 3 of the Declaration establishes various restrictions on the use and maintenance of Lots within Platte River Ranch. Some of these restrictions are explicit and some are not - but the Declaration allows all rules to interpreted and clarified by the District Board. Any changes to the Declaration must be approved by a vote of the homeowners.

Click HERE to go to the document library to download a copy of the Declaration document.

Architectural Guidelines
The Architectural Guidelines provides guidelines, standards, rules, regulations and procedures for installing, removing or modifying improvements on homeowners Lots, including the house exterior. The Guidelines also provide the minimum standards for maintaining landscaping, the home exterior and other improvements on the Lot. The District Board is responsible for updating and changing the Guidelines.

Click HERE to go to the webpage where you can download a copy of the Architectural Guidelines.

Covenant Enforcement Policy
To ensure homeowners comply with the rules, restrictions and standards established by the Declaration and the Architectural Guidelines, the District Board has established covenant enforcement policies and procedures. These policies and procedures document the District Board's planned course of action for enforcing the rules, restrictions and standards established in the Declaration and the Architectural Guidelines. The District Board may change its enforcement policies and procedures as it deems necessary.

Click HERE to go to the document library to download a copy of the District Board's covenant enforcement policies and procedures.



In September 2009, the residents created a Facebook page for the Platte River Ranch neighborhood. Please note that the District manages this site but does not post official District communications through this site. Click on the Facebook icon below to jump to the Platte River Ranch Facebook site.


The Platte River Ranch Multi-Family Home (MFH) Neighborhood

The 184 duplexes is located on the north side of the SFH neighborhood and is a separate covenant-controlled community managed by the Platte River Ranch Filing No 1 Homeowners Association, Inc. The duplexes are not located within or subject to the District.

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Important Reoccurring Reminders
TRASH SERVICE: Homeowners are individually responsible for contracting with a trash pick-up company. Neither the City nor the District provides this service to neighborhood residents.

WATER RESTRICTIONS: The City of Brighton (which provides the water utility services to the neighborhood) requires homeowners' sprinkler systems to be turned off between November 1st and April 1steach year.

STREET PARKING AND SNOW REMOVAL: The City of Brighton (not the District) owns and maintains the streets throughout the neighborhood. Consequently, the City (not the District) is responsible for enforcing City parking ordinances applicable to the streets throughout the neighborhood. The City is also responsible for plowing snow off of City-maintained streets. Currently, per the City's snow plow routes, the City only plows snow off of Bromley Lane. Due to budget constraints, the City does not usually plow the remaining streets throughout the neighborhood.