Central Colorado Water Conservancy District

General Information: The CCWC District was established in 1965 to develop, manage and protect water resources in northeast Colorado.  The District provides water augmentation and decree administration for over 1,100 irrigation wells within the District and owns an extensive portfolio of water rights, including ditch and reservoir shares.  Sales of irrigation allotment rights and management and construction of water infrastructure are carried out by two subdistricts—the Groundwater Management Subdistrict and the Well Augmentation Subdistrict.  The Platte River Ranch SFH neighborhood resides within the Ground Water Subdistrict's boundaries.  The Subdistricts manage several reservoirs and wells including the JoDee Reservoir (Windsor) and Siebring Reservoir (Greeley).

The District's boundaries cover (1) land surrounding the South Platte River beginning where it crosses under the I-76 freeway to Fort Morgan, (2) portions of land surrounding major South Platte River tributary rivers (i.e. Big Thomson River and Cache La Poudre River).  Generally, the District’s boundaries are east of the I-25 freeway, west of the I-76 freeway and south of Greeley.

District Oversight: The CCWC District is an independent agency governed by a 12 member board of directors.  The Board is comprised of members appointed by the Weld County Court.  The Board meets approximately 10 to 11 times per year to review and approve the District’s operations and finances.
Property Tax Usage: Operation of the CCWD District is almost entirely dependent on property tax revenues which are used to fund administrative costs, water quality testing programs, water education outreach programs and active legislative efforts to protect water sources and water rights.  The two subdistricts operations are funded through a combination of a separate property tax mill levy and sales of irrigation water.
External Website: Click here to open the CCWC District's website.
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